Globally manipulative techniques deployed during Covid-19 era pioneered during the AIDS pandemic - BizNews

To this day, former South African president Thabo Mbeki is most notoriously remembered as the AIDS denialist whose criticism of the scientific consensus that HIV causes AIDS and corresponding HIV/AIDS policies were responsible for causing a massive, unconscionable loss of human life. On 21 September 2022, Mbeki maintained his position in respect of AIDS in a speech delivered at UNISA. In this article, South African civil and nuclear engineer Hügo Krüger discusses the HIV/AIDS fraud and how the Covid-19 fraud is carried out using essentially the same playbook. After doing the "unspeakable scientific act of looking at the evidence", Krüger states that he is now of the opinion that "not only was President Mbeki correct, but that he was right to question the toxicity of the antiretrovirals and specifically AZT (later branded as zidovudine)". According to Krüger, the stark parallels drawn between the AIDS pandemic and Covid-19 pandemic, one of which is Anthony Fauci's direct involvement in both, distinctly show that, "the techniques that are currently being deployed to manipulate the public on a global scale were pioneered during the AIDS pandemic". A brilliant read. – Nadya Swart

From AIDS to Covid-19

VAIDS and the Covid-19 Playbook

By Hügo Krüger

"Truth is the daughter of time, not of authority." – Sir Francis Bacon

The critique against the AIDS hypothesis may shed light on the underlying cause of the Vaccine Induced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome that victims of the mRNA jab are experiencing. VAIDS's cause is probably chemical in nature and induced by risk factors as opposed to resulting from a viral infection.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr's exposé brought out Dr Anthony Fauci's role during the AIDS pandemic, but a more specific look into this period is required by medical students and analysts of propaganda to come to terms with the root of the Covid-19 playbook. When writing his NHI grant application, the late Nobel Prize laureate and discoverer of PCR, Kary Mullis, could not find a single paper that established HIV as the probable cause of AIDS. Mullis further realised that not a single expert could provide him with the evidence. It's the year 2022 with over 600 billion dollars in US federal funding spent for a hypothesis that failed basic verification almost 40 years ago.

AIDS saw medical science move from a method of inquiry to an authority, dictated by a caste of epidemiologists and virologists, invoking unscientific terminology such as the "scientific consensus" whenever they were asked to provide the most elementary evidence that established the probable link between HIV and AIDS. Their critiques were smeared with pejoratives such as "science deniers", "AIDS deniers" and having suffered from "Nobel Disease".

The playbook for public health by propaganda was emerging to the extent that the AIDS pandemic shares the following similarities with the Covid-19 pandemic:

  • The probable cause of AIDS was announced in 1983, one year before the US presidential election, and it should be no coincidence given that the initial cases of AIDS were found in California – Ronald Reagan's home state.
  • The medical scientists involved, such as Dr Anthony Fauci or South Africa's Dr Salim S. Abdool Karim, are the same people by name.
  • The AIDS pandemic saw the deliberate use of propaganda techniques on dissenting voices like Professor Peter Duesberg, Biochemist David Rasnick, Biophysicist Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos, Pathologist Val Turner, Cardiologist Sam Mhlongu and US African Historian Dr Charles Geshekter.
  • More significantly, Nobel Prize winners like Kary Mullis, the discoverer of PCR, and Luc Montagnier, who first isolated the HIV virus, also became victims of smear pejoratives after they began to doubt the HIV-AIDS hypothesis.
  • Dissenting politicians like South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki and SA Health Minister Mantu Tshabalala Msimang found themselves victims of media attacks after constituting an advisory panel that consisted of scientists from both sides of the argument.
  • The repurposing of toxic chemotherapy such as AZT without proper clinical trials took place, while cheap and alternative medicine like the generic anti-pneumonia drug Bactrim was blocked by actors such as Dr Anthony Fauci.
  • The usage of nonspecific tests like the ELISA, Western Blot and the PCR test was first used on a mass scale during the AIDS pandemic, resulting in a series of false positive results.
  • The false positives led to iatrogenesis and in particular the highly toxic dosages of AZT led to the premature death of thousands of gay men in the United States of America.
  • The reclassification of existing diseases and the expanding definition of AIDS makes the data that relates to cases and symptoms of questionable value.
  • AIDS is the only disease with two definitions on two different continents that share nothing in common other than their name (with causes set to be HIV-1 and HIV-2).
  • In the western world HIV is primarily found in homosexual men, while on the African continent it is spread heterosexuality.
  • There is no evidence in all-cause mortality of a new or deadly pandemic that is sexually transmissible. Not even in Africa.
  • Computer Model Predictions that predicted the spread of AIDS fell remarkably short of expectations.
  • In April 2000, the Clinton Administration declared AIDS a national and global security issue and there are signs that the CIA played a role in using the issue to undermine the South Africa's government's sceptical stance.
  • The HIV/AIDS pandemic had a colonial aspect as third world countries saw their markets flooded with patented medication that they could not afford without redirecting a significant part of their development budget.
  • The HIV sceptics community was split between whether the HIV causes AIDS (the Duesberg hypothesis) or if the evidence provided sufficiently demonstrated a new virus (The Perth group hypothesis)

The Scandal Started April 23, 1984

1984 was an election year and US President Ronald Reagan had not said a word about AIDS. To prevent the Democratic Party from making AIDS a campaign issue, Margaret Heckler, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, called a Press Conference declaring that the cause of AIDS had been found. The culprit was a retrovirus discovered by Dr Robert Gallo.

US President Ronald Reagan was re-elected.

The story that was "too big to fail" was full of holes and that became clear when a 1992 US federal investigation found Dr Robert Gallo had committed scientific fraud.

After three years of investigations, the Federal Office of Research Integrity today found that Dr Robert C. Gallo, the American co-discoverer of the cause of AIDS, had committed scientific misconduct. The investigators said he had "falsely reported" a critical fact in the scientific paper of 1984 in which he described isolating the virus that causes AIDS.

The new report said Dr Gallo had intentionally misled colleagues to gain credit for himself and diminish credit due to his French competitors. The report also said that his false statement had "impeded potential AIDS research progress" by diverting scientists from potentially fruitful work with the French researchers.

AIDS in South Africa

No disease has gripped the South African psyche more than the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). During my school years the pandemic was said to be spreading throughout the country and it got the media, government departments, private businesses and the education system swept up into a frenzy – a situation that is comparable to what we are experiencing today with the coronavirus. Red ribbons were placed on every communication in South Africa, children had to be taught the benefits of safe sex practices and churches had opening and closing prayers to ask for a blessing from the Almighty for those that are suffering from the deadly disease. To address "his biggest regret in office" former President Nelson Mandela spent his retirement years with influencers like Bono, Opera Winfrey, and the Spice Girls to raise awareness of the dangerous lifestyle practices that lead to the HIV+ infection and the development of AIDS.

And who could forget the brave Nkosi Johnson, the AIDS orphan, who spoke out against President Thabo Mbeki at the year 2000 Durban AIDS conference and pleaded with him in public so that other children like him could also get access to the antiretroviral medication? Then there was Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang labelled by the Mail and Guardian as "Dr Beetroot" after she suggested that beetroot and garlic could treat the disease at the 2006 International AIDS conference in Toronto. In an interview with Radio 702's host John Robbie, she was asked if she truly believes that HIV causes AIDS? Robbie told her in anger and probably without thinking "to go away" – sparking an understandable accusation of racism as this was often the tone of language that black women received under Apartheid.

In the media it was said that Thabo Mbeki was associating himself with crank AIDS denialists and that he was being stubborn and irresponsible for delaying the rollout of lifesaving antiretroviral medication to the poorest of the poor. In parliament, when the Democratic Alliance's health spokesperson Ryan Coetzee asked him if "he truly believes that HIV doesn't cause AIDS", it resulted in another accusation of racism. In opposition to the government's policies a new form of activism was born called "AIDS activists" that included notably Zachie Achmat, Nathan Geffen and Mark Heywood from the Treatment Action Campaign.

The death toll caused by President Mbeki's denialism was estimated to be on the order of a quarter of a million South Africans, leading to the South African Communist Party's Youth League to demand that he be tried for genocide. Thabo Mbeki's negligence contributed to his political defeat at the Polokwane conference and him being recalled during his final term in office. The African National Congress (ANC) replaced him by a more charismatic President Jacob Zuma whose first act when he came into power was to distance himself from the country's "era of denialism". Jacob Zuma started a massive rollout of antiretrovirals and, rare in the divisiveness of South African politics, he was temporarily praised by the leader of the opposition party Helen Zille. Zille felt strongly about AIDS, so strong that a few years later she called for the criminalisation of HIV transmission in what one commentator referred to as "an AIDS Gestapo".

Until two years ago, I couldn't make sense of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in South Africa and why Thabo Mbeki, who was highly intelligent, seemed so stubborn about the issue. Why was it that he and his cabinet was so sensitive to criticism and often resorted to unfounded claims of racism when they were pressured on the issue? The attitude struck me as absurd, but that was until I realised I was one of those that just assumed what he said and didn't listen to what he was saying.

The HIV/AIDS falsehood goes back to the misreading of the original isolation attempt by the French Virologist Luc Montagnier. I base my opinion on the findings of the Perth Group in Australia whose work is routinely cited in the new book 'Virus Mania'. The Perth Group convinced President Thabo Mbeki that we are looking at HIV/AIDS disease through the wrong paradigm and I encourage those who disagree with me to at least read their scientific work. The Perth group not only exposed that HIV doesn't cause AIDS, but it was the beginning of the revival of the "Ecological Theory" of disease. The idea that the entire premise of Germ Theory sits on a shaky foundation and that environmental conditions also play a significant role in disease progression.

My Journey into AIDS

During the Covid-19 pandemic, I and many others were appalled when dissident scientific voices who opposed the lockdowns on legitimate public health grounds were silenced, and when off label medication was discouraged to push through the rushed mRNA vaccine without proper long term safety data available. To attack their critiques, the authorities launched one of the most sophisticated media-run propaganda campaigns in modern human history.

As the physicist Denis Rancourt and his colleagues recently showed, the data does not suggest that there is a dangerous Covid-19 pandemic as is evident that all-cause mortality in the United States, Europe and Canada hasn't changed much during the last 2 years. By going through the mortality data, I am startled at how innumerate the media and the general populace is. Humans simply struggle to put numbers into an understandable perspective especially when there is a deliberate attempt by the authorities to spread fear, mislead and monopolise the truth. I can only conclude that there is only a pandemic of fear that is driven by the unreliable nature of the PCR test and the non-specificity of the antibody tests.

As I did my research and interviews on Covid-19, it became obvious that Covid-19 was not Anthony Fauci's first of many crimes and that the techniques that are currently being deployed to manipulate the public on a global scale were pioneered during the AIDS pandemic.

AZT – Poison by Prescription

My journey into the HIV/AIDS question came as I stumbled across an article by the Yale Epidemiologist Dr Harvey Risch that gave the account of Anthony Fauci's refusal to allow gay men in the 1980s the treatment drug Bactrim. Bactrim like Ivermectin was an off-label medication that could have treated the associated pneumocystis pneumonia and today doctors routinely use as part of the AIDS HAART Protocol. Probably to appease his friends in the pharmaceutical industry Anthony Fauci decided to block the rollout of the medication for nearly 2 years and push through a drug known as AZT without proper clinical trials being done. As with the Covid-19 vaccine, the placebo group was deliberately broken to hide the background risks and the criminality was only revealed after a gay activist by the name of John Lauritsen investigated the FDA's approval process. Dr Risch pointed out that while the AZT drug did work, it was highly toxic in the initial dosages, but as I read further about the toxicity in John's book "Poison by Prescription" – the entire lid came off HIV and AIDS. Also, late last year Neville Hodgkinson a former scientific correspondent of the Sunday Times raised my suspicion when he wrote that the Covid-19 tricks were pioneered during the HIV/AIDS pandemic, leading me to ask the simple question,

"What did President Mbeki know about HIV/AIDS?".

What were the dissidents saying and why were they wrong? As it turns out, I am now of the opinion that not only was President Mbeki correct, but that he was right to question the toxicity of the antiretrovirals and specifically AZT (later branded as zidovudine). 

AZT—initially designed as cancer chemotherapy—targets DNA synthesis, the basis of all life, and after its widespread use, the rate of "AIDS deaths" among gay men went up by a factor of 10. Recently, an old BBC documentary titled "Guinea Pig Kids" resurfaced that exposed how orphanage children in New York were used in the trial of AZT – most of them died.

South African born HIV/AIDS doctor Joseph Sonnabend called AZT "incompatible with life" – the definition of a poison. John Lauritsen estimated AZT killed 330,000 gay men in America and at the Vienna AIDS Conference in 2010 he gave an emotional speech where he didn't hesitate to use the term the "the gay holocaust" in honor of the young gay men who took poison thinking that it would cure them when in fact it took them to their graves.

Yet this was the medication that AIDS activists from Treatment Action Campaign (TAC, a PR front for BigPharma) wanted President Thabo Mbeki to import to South Africa. During the Covid-19 pandemic, TAC and Nathan Geffen in particular wrote a series of hit pieces on PANDA's Nick Hudson after he questioned the Western Cape Government's reporting of the vaccination statistics. The same characters that put profit before lives during the AIDS pandemic are doing it again with Covid-19.

With respect to South Africa, what struck me further was Nkosi Johnson's words at the 2000 Durban AIDS conference that was published by all the media around the world.

"I hate having AIDS because I get very sick and I get very sad when I think of all the other children and babies that are sick with AIDS. I just wish that the government can start giving AZT to pregnant HIV mothers to help stop the virus being passed on to their babies."

Was Nkosi Johnson's story used by the pharmaceutical industry as emotional propaganda to sell a toxic medication and what was the medication that he took before he died?

Mbeki's Journey – Debating AZT

During my interview with AIDS dissident Anthony Brink, he told me the story of how Thabo Mbeki got interested in the debate as, like me, it also started with AZT. Brink was an advocate from the Pietermaritzburg Bar who took interest into AZT after media pressure started building on Mandela's government to take the HIV/AIDS pandemic seriously and import antiretrovirals into the country. His wife alerted him that there were scientific discussions about the toxicity of the drugs on the internet. As his interest took hold in the topic, he decided to write a book titled Debating AZT that contained all the medical and scientific literature about the toxicity of the drug.

Brink also mentioned to me that he knew a fellow attorney who died after testing positive for HIV. His legal partner informed him that he was taking antiretrovirals before his death. Brink sent the widow his manuscript and to his horror he found out that the symptoms were precisely those predicted by in the literature quoted in Debating AZT.

Brink alerted the Minister of Health Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma by sending her office a copy of his book, but by that time President Nelson Mandela was about to leave office and one of her Special Advisors Dr Ian Roberts thought it best to delay the issue for the next health minister.

Immediately after being sworn into office, the first item on Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang's agenda was to go through Anthony Brink's book Debating AZT. After being informed by the findings of the book the ANC's Presidency Director General Smuts Ngonyama gave Brink a call and asked him to write the ANC's media statement on AZT. Mbeki became aware that there was a toxicity issue related to the antiretrovirals and this led him on the path to discover that there was more to AIDS than just the HIV virus and that the medications themselves are toxic.

Advisory Panel

Debating AZT set off a bombshell in South Africa. It convinced Mbeki to hear the arguments of the AIDS dissidents. They can be found at the website Virusmyth, and the documentary film House of Numbers. The dissidents as well as the mainstream scientists were invited to his March 2000 AIDS Panel held at the Sheraton hotel in Pretoria. Among the attendees of the first meeting were AIDS sceptics such as Professor Peter Duesberg, David Rasnick and Medunsa's Professor Sam Mhlongo. The mainstream scientists including Professor Glenda Gray, Professor Salim S Abdool-Karim, Dr Malegapuru W Makgoba, and the discoverer of HIV Dr Luc Montagnier were also present. More significant are those who could only attend the second meeting; Professor Eleni Papadopoulos-Eleopulos and Dr Valander Turner known as "the Perth group". Brink told me that Mbeki and Kgalema Motlanthe would eventually be persuaded by their arguments.

Mbeki's Presidential Advisory Report gives the best summary of the arguments for or against the HIV/AIDS hypothesis and it is a tragedy to South Africa that our media never properly debated the findings of the report, for it would have blown the lid off the whole scandal. The report carries enormous value for medical history and the pandemic in South Africa. The South African Broadcasting corporation also refused to air the videos of the event, but fortunately some of the material has resurfaced and it is available on by anonymous sources on odysee.

There are few interviews where Thabo Mbeki was given an honest opportunity to express himself on AIDS, but a good film includes "Search for Solutions" that was aired on Carte Blanche and broadcasted only in Africa.

The only honest debate about the toxicity of AZT was aired on ETV in 2005. It featured Dr David Rasnick and Dr Sam Mhlongo against Dr Malegapuru W Makgoba and Professor Ian Sanne.

Dr Sam Mhlongo was Head of the Department of Family Practice and Medical Health Care at the Medical University of Southern Africa (MEDUNSA). For decades, Dr Mhlongo was exiled for opposing the Apartheid Regime. After his return to South Africa he continued to fight a new enemy: the devastating impact of the pharmaceutical "business with disease" in South Africa.

He was a member of the Presidential Aids Advisory Panel, where he explored and embraced viable alternatives to cope with this epidemic especially for the poor and marginalised communities. Dr Mhlongo sadly died in 2006 in a car accident, his reflections on AIDS and the medications are well kept online.

The HIV-AIDS Hypothesis

From Mbeki's advisory report I am going to highlight a few statements that show why I too reject the HIV hypothesis and why it has lessons for Covid-19.

A particular concern raised by some members of the panel was that after 15 years of research, there is the lack of a 'gold standard' against which to measure the accuracy and reliability of the data generated from the commonly used methods to diagnose HIV infection.

The PCR Test

Arguments against the use of PCR are that this test is characterised by high variability and lack of reproducibility. In addition, the very wide variability may lead to the erroneous interpretation of results, thus compromising the accuracy and validity of the PCR results. Dr Bialy pointed out that the PCR viral load test might not be a legitimate measure of infectious virus. It demonstrates a high level of fluctuation, and the viral load can be increased non-specifically by other viral and bacterial infections (opportunistic infections may also increase viral load). Research results indicate that the viral load test may not always be an indicator for the clinical progression of HIV to AIDS.

Dr Kary Mullis, the inventor of PCR, said on many occasions that so-called PCR tests cannot detect infection or the presence of viruses. Even the package inserts say the PCR "tests" cannot be used to diagnose AIDS or detect the presence of HIV.

The same is true of the antibody tests most notably the Elisa and Western blot. They tell you nothing about a unique virus or infection.

The Elisa Test

The lack of standardisation of ELISA results, both within the country and across countries, was a source of major concern to some panellists. Results of ELISA tests may be interpreted differently within a single laboratory, between laboratories within one country, and between countries. This may mean that a person that tests positive at one laboratory in South Africa may test negative at a different laboratory in the same country. Moreover, the lack of standardisation across countries could result in an individual's testing positive in one country and negative in another.

Western Blot

Dr Papadopoulos-Eleopulos presented a transparency showing the results of a Western Blot test with a number of samples from leprosy, TB and AIDS patients. It appeared that the Western Blot results from the different samples were indistinguishable from one another, showing the Western Blot test to be non-specific and unreliable. All the samples tested positive, even those from leprosy and TB patients. In further deliberations, Dr Mark Smith pointed out that Max Essex had already demonstrated the indeterminate results from Western Blot results in 1994. The above underlines the fact that the Western Blot test cannot be used as a determinate diagnostic tool.

So what does one make of a virus for which there is no reliable test for its presence?  How can it be that the public at large has been driven into a frenzy on the basis of false positive results?

As a medical doctor confirmed to me, today the practice is to use both the Elisa and Western blood test as well as the PCR test to measure the arbitrary and meaningless "viral load".

But if none of the three tests carry any meaning? What is their purpose when the following factors are known to cause to Cause False-Positive HIV Antibody Test Results?

  • Anti-carbohydrate antibodies (52, 19, 13)
  • Anti-carbohydrate antibodies (52, 19, 13)
  • Naturally-occurring antibodies (5, 19)
  • Passive immunisation: receipt of gamma globulin or immune globulin (as prophylaxis against infection which contains antibodies)(18, 26, 60, 4, 22, 42, 43, 13)
  • Leprosy (2, 25)
  • Tuberculosis (25)
  • Mycobacterium avium (25)
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (15, 23)
  • Renal (kidney) failure (48, 23, 13)
  • Hemodialysis/renal failure (56, 16, 41, 10, 49)
  • Alpha interferon therapy in hemodialysis patients (54)
  • Flu (36)
  • Flu vaccination (30, 11, 3, 20, 13, 43)
  • Herpes simplex I (27)
  • Herpes simplex II (11)
  • Upper respiratory tract infection (cold or flu)(11)
  • Recent viral infection or exposure to viral vaccines (11)
  • Pregnancy in multiparous women (58, 53, 13, 43, 36)
  • Malaria (6, 12)
  • High levels of circulating immune complexes (6, 33)
  • Hypergammaglobulinemia (high levels of antibodies) (40, 33)
  • False positives on other tests, including RPR (rapid plasma reagent) test for syphilis (17, 48, 33, 10, 49)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (36)
  • Hepatitis B vaccination (28, 21, 40, 43)
  • Tetanus vaccination (40)
  • Organ transplantation (1, 36)
  • Renal transplantation (35, 9, 48, 13, 56)
  • Anti-lymphocyte antibodies (56, 31)
  • Anti-collagen antibodies (found in gay men, haemophiliacs, Africans of both sexes and people with leprosy)(31)
  • Serum-positive for rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibody (both found in rheumatoid arthritis and other autoantibodies)(14, 62, 53)
  • Autoimmune diseases (44, 29, 10, 40, 49, 43): Systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, connective tissue disease, dermatomyositis
  • Acute viral infections, DNA viral infections (59, 48, 43, 53, 40, 13)
  • Malignant neoplasms (cancers)(40)
  • Alcoholic hepatitis/alcoholic liver disease (32, 48, 40,10,13, 49, 43, 53)
  • Primary sclerosing cholangitis (48, 53)
  • Hepatitis (54)
  • "Sticky" blood (in Africans) (38, 34, 40)
  • Antibodies with a high affinity for polystyrene (used in the test kits)(62, 40, 3)
  • Blood transfusions, multiple blood transfusions (63, 36,13, 49, 43, 41)
  • Multiple myeloma (10, 43, 53)
  • HLA antibodies (to Class I and II leukocyte antigens)(7, 46, 63, 48, 10, 13, 49, 43, 53)
  • Anti-smooth muscle antibody (48)
  • Anti-parietal cell antibody (48)
  • Anti-hepatitis A IgM (antibody)(48)
  • Anti-Hbc IgM (48)
  • Administration of human immunoglobulin preparations pooled before 1985 (10)
  • Haemophilia (10, 49)
  • Haematologic malignant disorders/lymphoma (43, 53, 9, 48, 13)
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis (43, 53, 13, 48)
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome 9, (48, 13)
  • Q-fever with associated hepatitis (61)
  • Heat-treated specimens (51, 57, 24, 49, 48)
  • Lipemic serum (blood with high levels of fat or lipids)(49)
  • Haemolysed serum (blood where haemoglobin is separated from the red cells)(49)
  • Hyperbilirubinemia (10, 13)
  • Globulins produced during polyclonal gammopathies (which are seen in AIDS risk groups)(10, 13, 48)
  • Healthy individuals as a result of poorly-understood cross-reactions (10)
  • Normal human ribonucleoproteins (48,13)
  • Other retroviruses (8, 55, 14, 48, 13)
  • Anti-mitochondrial antibodies (48, 13)
  • Antinuclear antibodies (48, 13, 53)
  • Antimicrosomal antibodies (34)
  • T-cell leukocyte antigen antibodies (48, 13)
  • Proteins on the filter paper (13)
  • Epstein-Barr virus (37)
  • Visceral leishmaniasis (45)
  • Receptive anal sex (39, 64)

Luc Montagnier's experiment

The human immunodeficiency virus was said to be discovered by French virologist Luc Montagnier in the early 1980s. At an AIDS conference in San Francisco in 1990, Montagnier expressed his own scepticism towards the HIV hypothesis.

"HIV is neither necessary nor sufficient to cause AIDS." -Luc Montagnier

While never fully walking away from the HIV-AIDS hypothesis, Montagnier, in the documentary series House of Numbers, further doubled down on his scepticism, in particular as it relates to Africa.

"AIDS does not inevitably lead to death, especially if you suppress the co-factors that support the disease. It is very important to tell this to people who are infected, I think we should put the same weight on the cofactors as we have on HIV. Psychological factors are critical in supporting immune function. If you suppress this psychological support by telling someone he's condemned to die, your words alone will have condemned him." -Luc Montagnier

In 2000, at Mbeki's AIDS Advisory Panel in Pretoria, Montagnier was asked if he had actually "purified" HIV. He simply said that it was an old technique and no longer valid. The Perth group argued against Montagnier's original interpretation.

That AIDS and all the phenomena inferred as "HIV" are induced by changes in cellular redox brought about by the oxidative nature of substances and exposures common to all the AIDS risk groups and to the cells used in the "culture" and "isolation" of "HIV".

The problems with isolating authentic HIV are well presented in Bret Leung's extended interview with the Perth Group in the film House of Numbers as well as on the Perth Group's Website.

Anthony Fauci

Compounding Gallo's fraud, Anthony Fauci repurposed the highly toxic chemotherapy AZT as an anti-HIV drug, which John Lauritsen estimated killed 330,000 gay men.

Fauci promised a vaccine against HIV was "2 years away". We're still waiting 37-years later. Since then, the US government has spent over 600 billion dollars on AIDS and not saved a single life.

The story of how the AIDS dogma got started was told in Joan Shenton's film "Positively False".

So, if the HIV virus has not been isolated, then what is AIDS?


"The missing deaths"

During Thabo Mbeki's presidency, Journalist Rian Malan, on a contract from Rolling Stone Magazine, looked into the HIV/AIDS issue and set out to find the 250,000 deaths and the 20 million victims that are said to be dying of the disease throughout the continent. To his astonishment he found that "Africa isn't dying of AIDS" and that towns that were set to be dying of the pandemic actually had their population numbers increase. After going through coroners' reports and visiting AIDS clinics throughout South Africa, Malan simply couldn't find the excess deaths.

"A note on the MRC website explained that modelling was an inexact science, and that 'the number of people dying of Aids has only now started to increase'. Furthermore, said the MRC, there was a new model in the works, one that would 'probably' produce estimates 'about 10 percent lower' than those presently on the table. The exercise was not strictly valid, but I persuaded my scientist pal Rodney Richards to run the revised data on his own simulator and see what he came up with for 1999. The answer, very crudely, was an Aids death toll somewhere around 65,000 — a far cry indeed from the 250,000 initially put forth by UNAIDS.

Without making a claim to know anything about HIV/AIDS, Rian Malan simply articulated that the millions of people that were set to suffer from the diseases were the product of computer models.

What is AIDS?

Originally AIDS was confined to gay men in America who used poppers as a party drug whose side effects gave known AIDS like symptoms. The gay population was highly targeted with testing and given the high false positivity rate they tested positive in high numbers. As time went on, the CDC lumped together diseases that had nothing to do with each other. As with Covid-19, the definition of AIDS started to expand by adding new symptoms to the disease. Perhaps the biggest absurdity is that AIDS in Africa and AIDS in America have nothing in common other than the name. In Africa, it is largely a disease of poverty and in America it is mostly a disease of drug usage.

The CDC lists 26 AIDS-defining diseases and conditions that have little or nothing to do with each other.

1.  Bacterial infections, multiple or recurrent

2.  Candidiasis of bronchi, trachea, or lungs

3.  Candidiasis of oesophagus

4.  Carcinoma, invasive cervical

5.  Coccidioidomycosis,

6.  Cryptococcosis, extrapulmonary

7.  Cryptosporidiosis, chronic intestinal

8.  Cytomegalovirus disease

9.  Herpes simplex

10.   Histoplasmosis

11.   HIV encephalopathy (dementia)

12.   HIV wasting syndrome

13. Isosporiasis

14.   Kaposi's sarcoma

15.   Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia

16.   Lymphoma, Burkitt's

17.   Lymphoma, immunoblastic

18.   Lymphoma, primary in brain

19.   Mycobacterium avium or M. kansasii

20.   M. tuberculosis

21.   Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

22.   Pneumonia, recurrent

23.   Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

24. Salmonella septicemia

25.   Toxoplasmosis of brain

26.   Immunosuppression, severe HIV-related

Here is the United Nations definition of AIDS in Africa:

1.  Weight loss

2.  Fever

3.  Diarrhoea and

4.  Persistent cough

5.  TB

6.  Swollen lymph nodes

Those two diseases are entirely distinct to the point that they cannot possibly come from the same virus. If you were to be diagnosed with AIDS in SA and fly to America, under the official definition you would be cured? Dr Charles Geschekter explained the inconsistencies in the definition and how it reflects in the statistics in his interview with Bret Leung.

As David Rasnick told me an interview "HIV has only 3 structural genes and yet it knows whether you're black or white, gay or straight, rich or poor, and what continent you live in".

Mbeki's Advisory report also expressed concern about the definition of the AIDS construct.

"Why is HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa heterosexually transmitted while in the western world it is said to be largely homosexually transmitted"

Surely Africans cannot be so distinct to suffer differently from the exact same virus? When faced with this anomaly the AIDS establishment decided to "reclassify" these two diseases as HIV-1 and HIV-2.

In Summary

  • As evident by the workings of the Perth Group, the evidence that the HIV virus has been purified does not exist.
  • As evident by the contradictions in the testing methods, none of the HIV tests are able to say anything about the presence of the virus.
  • As evident by the Rian Malan's finding, Africa isn't dying of a deadly pandemic.
  • As evident by the definition of AIDS, the diseases of AIDS in Africa are largely related to malnutrition and poverty and in the United States it is a consequence of lifestyle and drug usage.

What I would expect to originate from this article is that we start and open conversation on HIV and AIDS on the following points.

  • The toxicity of the antiretrovirals must be openly admitted and the pharmaceutical companies and FDA must be held accountable for countless deaths for which they are responsible.
  • The lessons of HIV/AIDS are paramount if we want to come to terms with the crimes that are being committed under the name of the Covid-19 health emergency and if we ever believe in justice for the hundred and thousands of gay men and millions of Africans that were subjected to this cruel experimentation by giving them medication on the basis of a false positive test result.
  • For South Africans it is time to look objectively at the evidence detailed in Mbeki's advisory report and then for us all to provide him with an apology.

President Thabo Mbeki was right.

I am persuaded by the arguments that HIV doesn't cause AIDS and that, like South Africa's former President Thabo Mbeki, I have done the unspeakable scientific act of looking at the evidence and then deciding to change my mind.


For those interested in the issue, blogs, good old newspaper articles on the argument by dissidents can be found on the following websites.

  1. Virusmyth for a collection of arguments on dissidents.
  2. Viroliegy for an introduction into terrain theory.
  3. Treatment Information Group for a collection on the toxicity of the antiretrovirals.
  1. The Perth Group for the dissident views that Mbeki endorsed.
  2. David Rasnick's website for good references to AIDS. David decided to keep the reflections of his friend Dr Sam Mhlongo online.
  3. The Immunity Resource Foundation for a collection of articles and references on the subject.

Books on the Topic

  1. Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense, 3rd Edition by Torsten Engelbrecht (Author), Claus Köhnlein (Author), Samantha Bailey (Author), Stefano Scoglio (Author)
  2. Poison by Prescription – the AZT Story by John Lauritsen
  3. 'AIDS; The Failure of Contemporary Science' by Neville Hodgkinson
  4. Inventing the AIDS Virus by Peter Duesberg.
  5. Debating THAT – by Anthony Brink

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