Marinette School District passes COVID-19 Reconnecting Plan… - Bay Cities Radio
Reconnecting students and staff safely have been the core motto for the Marinette School District since the beginning of the pandemic and it hasn't slowed down. If anything, the school district is gaining momentum with their guidelines for COVID protocols. At their monthly board meeting Tuesday evening the board reviewed the reconnecting plan with thresholds which outlines the three tier protocols the district will take by identifying COVID symptoms. This includes a daily dashboard that will be available on the district website listing the schools' percentages of staff and student COVID related absences, those that are positive, and other reasons. There are also the tier protocols, which are color coded. Green, yellow, and red. Green is level 1 at 0-5% for optional masking unless mandated, Yellow is Level 2 at 5.01 – 10% masking will be mandatory for all students and staff 4k-12 when unable to maintain physical distance of 6ft or more, and Red is Level 3 at 10% , which is always mandatory masking while inside the building. Currently, district-wide, they are at tier Green.
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